Senator Grant says: “WHEREAS the modernization and strengthening of the agricultural sector could contribute significantly to accelerated rural development and more sustainable national economic growth; AND WHEREAS the cooperative structure provides the institutional framework for legal incorporation of large and small farmers in the leading agricultural economies of the world and is more suitable than registration as private or public joint-stock companies for the incorporation of small and medium farms; AND WHEREAS the existing Jamaican legislation regulating cooperatives is outdated and cannot provide the stimulus and the supportive framework required by small- and medium-sized farm enterprises; AND WHEREAS these laws, in fact, erect constraints and create disincentives to the capitalization of cooperatives, thereby placing barriers in the path to viability of our small and medium farm operations;
BE IT RESOLVED that this Honourable Senate recommend that the Government urgently undertakes a comprehensive review of the Cooperative Societies Act, similar to that recently done for the Companies Act, in order to replace it with modern, practical and effective legislation which can help to advance the country’s development needs and that other matters and such revised legislation be designed to remove the restriction on legal entities becoming members of cooperatives and provide scope for capitalization for all types of cooperatives; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Honourable Senate recommends that The Industrial and Provident Societies Act, the Friendly Societies Act and the Agricultural Credit Board Act be also comprehensively reviewed at the same time.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such revised legislation be designed to enable the achievement of gender equality , youths and persons with disabilities objectives outlined in Vision 2030 as it relates to the realization of a thriving and inclusive agricultural industry;”